Amy Karanfilian a parent coach living and working in San Francisco, California

Meet the Toddler Whisperer

Hi, I'm Amy, and I'm so glad you're here! I am a former classroom teacher with over 15 years of experience working with children in both the classroom and at home.

Upon graduating from the University of California, Berkeley, with degrees in Psychology and Education, I had the privilege of teaching at a high-performing public charter school. I managed challenging behavior while creating a classroom culture where students felt safe, loved, and willing to take risks.

When I stepped out of the classroom and into families' homes, I saw a big problem. The child and adult worlds often conflicted. The result: tantrums, power struggles, confusion, and disconnection.  

My approach is warm, personalized, collaborative, and fun. The results are life-changing. I'd love to join your child's team. 

My philosophy

Both children and adults want to be seen and accepted as who they are. 

I am not in the business of changing children. I’m in the business of helping parents better understand their child’s needs and create a nurturing environment where they can thrive. 

Threats, bribes, and other common approaches focus on stopping unwanted behaviors. These strategies are ineffective and don’t feel good for the parent or child because 1) they miss what’s really going on, and 2) they don’t help a child build skills.

My approach targets what’s going on beneath the surface for that child, all while prioritizing connection and a child’s natural gifts. This is what creates lasting and meaningful change. 

Did you know that the way you speak to your child will become their self-talk as they get older? I envision a world in which children are taught to love and accept themselves as they are and to hone skills that help them become confident, capable, resilient adults who will make the world a better place.

What parents are saying:

“Working with Amy is a gift. We are so grateful for the support she has given our son. In addition to being a total joy to work with, she is: kind, smart, compassionate, and deeply empathetic. Her intuitive ability to analyze and strategize to bring the best out of our child is incredible. If you’re looking for help designing a supportive environment for your child, we can wholeheartedly recommend Amy.”

-Christine H.

The plan worked just as Amy said it would—I reset the routine with her support and got results nearly immediately. The times that used to be challenging (transitioning out of bath or moving into his room), are now smooth, easy, and fun! He clearly feels empowered to make great choices at bedtime and is self-soothing and able to fall asleep on his own now. Amy has helped make bedtime the most enjoyable part of our day.

-Rachel P.

“From the moment we started working with Amy, the conflicts we were experiencing in our home have felt not only manageable but have begun to turn hopeful and positive. She exuded genuine enthusiasm and confidence in the plan, our ability to put it to practice, and for our son to happily get on board. Amy so firmly lives in so much of the way we talk to our son. The impacts on him have been overwhelmingly positive and will last through his academic experience! She has made such a deep and lasting impact. We love Ms. Amy!”

-Eli F.

“Amy generated individualized and very specific visual materials to help support us in our parenting plan. We have laminated and hung them around the house and in the car. We use them with our kids all the time! They are extremely practical and concrete. It continues to be an empowering process. Changing our behavior and adding strategies as parents is allowing our kids to thrive. Working with Amy has been a literal game-changer.

-Michelle W.

Rediscover joy with your child.