Your Partner in Parenting

Your Partner in Parenting

Your partner in parenting

Your partner in parenting

A mother and a child playing together.

Increase joy and ease
with your toddler

No one said parenting would be easy, but do you find yourself wondering, “does it have to be this hard?”

If you’re at your wits’ end and ready to strengthen your relationship with your child, I’m here to help.

You share your challenges, we clarify your vision, and I create a customized plan for you to confidently transform your home.

Personalized support for toddler sleep,
emotion regulation, and anxiety

I specialize in helping parents of toddlers (ages 1-6) experiencing the following challenges:

Toddler experiencing prolonged bedtime routine


  • Prolonged bedtime routine

  • Delay requests 

  • Requires parent support to fall asleep

  • Night wakings

Child having anxiety, tantrum

Emotion regulation

  • Tantrums 

  • Physical behaviors (hitting, kicking, biting)

  • Power struggles

  • Not listening

A father helps his father ride a bike.


  • Perfectionism

  • Fear and refusal of new or challenging activities 

  • Transitions (to a new sibling, school drop-off, a new activity)

Children play follow the leader in a colorful, outdoor setting

How we’d work together

  • We’ll begin with an initial home visit so I can get to know you and your child. 

  • I then create a plan, tailored specifically to your child. Each plan includes child-friendly visuals and parent scripts.  

  • Through virtual sessions and check-ins, I ensure you are supported each step of the way. 

  • Together we can make your day-to-day easier while helping your child build lifelong skills.

  • "Warm and personalized"

    “Amy has a natural ability to connect with kids through creativity, humor, and play. She brings a sense of warmth, kindness, and patience to every interaction with our family, which, in our experience, is rare to find. Amy truly values getting to know each child as the individual they are, and it was fun to see Amy's advice and support help our daughter absolutely thrive.”

    -Mia P.

  • "Concrete, easy-to-implement tools"

    “She creates a very specific plan for you down to written scripts with the exact words that you can use for your child. I'm so impressed with how concrete her tips, tricks, and resources are. It's amazing, and makes her advice SO incredibly useful. She always responds with so much insight, understanding, and concrete resources to help right away.”

    -Adriana A.

  • "Transformative results"

    “Simply put, Amy can process the most difficult parenting experiences into learnable, positive experiences for all parties concerned. Amy is the friendly, accessible person who feels like a friend but who produces outcomes like a brilliant teacher meets behavioral specialist. Parenting is hard, but Amy makes it feel fun, too.”

    -Iris F.

Two girls look cheerful and excited about camping and playing together

Ready to get started?

If you’re struggling to find tools that work for your child, please know you're not alone. Change is possible, and I’m here to help. 

Let’s work together to design a parenting toolkit that works for you and your family in the long-term.